Thursday, February 27, 2014

Water Conservation, Navy Showers, Nationally… Avoid Water Rationing...

This is something I’ve wanted to write about for some time now.  Currently, because of the circumstances concerning the Drought in California; it makes sense to me to post it now.

Various internet references put water usage of an average shower between 25 - 50 gallons of water.  The population of California for 2013 is 38.33 million.  So, in the state of California every 1M showers - 25 - 50M gallons of water.  If California could encourage a reasonable number of citizens to follow the following recommendations concerning Navy Showers, it could easily save California hundreds of millions of gallons of water on a daily basis.  Following these recommendations cuts the water usage of each shower to less than half.  This could also help avoid the need for water rationing. 

 Note: 25 Feb 2016... this post was written 27 Feb 2014... please consider, California could have saved hundreds of millions of gallons of water/daily... starting any time these recommendations were adopted... I've made numerous attempts to share this recommendation w/the state of California, w/no response... just for the sake of the personal water usage concerns of Californians, this could make great improvements...
Navy showers are very simple, and, if widely applied could, actually would, be of extreme benefit to all involved... everyone!

Many years ago... there were comments on various, numerous news reports over the years, commentary about the difference that took place quite a few years ago, when it was widely accepted for households to simply ‘turn off the water (when you’re not actually using it), when you’re brushing your teeth.’ That makes perfect sense and undoubtedly has proven to be a good practice.

Navy showers are a water conservation method used by Naval Ships when out to sea, whereas they have to be self-sustaining and conserving potable (clean, drinkable) water is essential.  

Navy showers are simply the same concept.  When you’re taking your shower; you rinse yourself thoroughly, and get your soap wet!  Turn the water off, and soap yourself to whatever extent you normally do.  Turn the water back on and rinse yourself off thoroughly.  That’s it! 

Among the times it has hit me to try and spread this idea has been in the last couple of years when I joined a local Gym.  It’s a regular commercial, franchise Gym which I believe is national, and they have multiple franchises in my city alone. 

As you would expect, there are about a dozen showers or so, in both the men’s and women’s locker rooms. 

Just think if it were recommended that the customers take Navy showers, at least for the most part, consider the savings to the franchise in the cost of water, and the cost of heating the water.  The more hot water used, the more heating it costs.  As, everyone knows, once you leave home, water’s not free!

If this practice were widely accepted and practiced, nationally!  The savings would be somewhat significant individually to the great number of households, and then those savings are multiplied accordingly to the general public.  Both in the cost of water and the cost of electricity in maintaining the water heater.  That or whatever method of fuel is used in maintaining the water heater, gas, oil, elect… 

Also, in places like California, which has such large populations, it would help alleviate the possibilities, probabilities of water shortages, ahead of time.   

It certainly wouldn’t hurt!

One big thing that I’d like to recommend which would help greatly in causing people to adopt this practice.

Over the last several years, I’ve had a number of residences, due to circumstances.  Different showers have different features, or not.  The shower that I have now, and the one that I prefer has a little button, in what you might call the ‘neck’ of the shower; the angled cylinder from the wall to the showerhead.  It’s basically a little ‘shut-off’ and it’s a lot of help.  Starting your shower, you have the water temperature  and velocity set to what you want and you rinse off.  Then, simply push the little button and the water shuts off.  Then when you’re ready, push the button again to restart the water, which will be at the same temperature and velocity that you had already set. 

To me, this is much preferred to having to basically turn the faucet handle to ‘Off’ then having to turn back ‘On’ in which case, you have to re-set the water temperature, velocity, etc.  In which case you end up trying not to turn it on and have either the cold water or the hot water hit you before you get it set.  To me, that’s a big help.

If it were made somewhat standard that all shower heads would include this function, this would encourage a lot of people in taking the Navy shower. 

I’m fully aware that a lot of people would not be interested in taking a Navy shower.  That’s not necessarily a big deal.  Currently, there are probably very, very few people that do.  There are a lot of people, who once they started would get into the habit, and before too long, wonder why they had never done so before.  With a large number of people putting this into practice, it would be considerably beneficial to the individuals and the general public.

I’m not trying to recommend at all that Navy showers be made mandatory, either at home or at the gym; however, if the practice was to become widely known, accepted and practiced, then it would make a great difference. 

Great savings in Water, Energy and Money!!!

I have more to add to this post which I hope to get to before too long, but, I wanted to get this much posted!

Over the last several months, I have tried every way that I can to forward this information to the state of California, with no response.  If this could have been started in California months ago, possibly the current need for water rationing could be less significant.


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